This ep is going to be the last adventure using the colostle system, At least for now! Wanda will be adventuring on the surface or somewhere else.
Still diving down into the debts of the colostle while also exploring the Roomlands.
In this ep, Wanda dives into a massive labyrinth to get the Goblet of Healing for Lisset. After getting this for her, Wanda will be free to return to
the surface by asking the great Mounted Telenna for help.
Wanda almost succumbs to her infection but is saved by the Clan of Cups! She makes a new friend and even finds the way
out of the dungeons but is dead set on helping her friend before she leaves.
Scene 1
Taking a dip in the waters had relieved me of the itch, but just as the scholar mentioned the vines where invigorated by
the water. I feel ill and weak. The vines seems to grow by the day and I have stopped bothering to remove them.
Wanda keeps exploring the Dungeons. Discovering an overflowing garden room and a way to alleviate the symptoms of her
Rook Rot. She also runs into a wondering scholar. The stranger is kind and gives Wanda some key insights into the
Scene 1
As I moved down the hall, I started hearing the sound of water. Moving to the source of this sound I entered a room
with a lake and a waterfall within. The lake was still aside for the small ripples that reached the shore line from
the waterfall. It seemed that the water was coming from a river in the Roomlands above. A massive crack in the ceiling
allowed some light to also come down into the room.
Wanda starts her journey through the dungeons. Running into mysterious new Rooks and contracting a strange
disease. She finds an impossibly large Rook, chained and long dead. Then she is forced to push forward as
the way back is locked off to her.
Scene 1
I have landed in a large dark chamber that seems to branch out into hallways. I would have never believed that the Colostle
held such secretes hidden under its rooms if I had not fallen into them myself.
Howdy! Something a little different for those who like to read, a solo rpg adventure, staring none other
than Wanda. I have never published these adventures before but think it could
be cool to do so. For those that don’t know how something like this works, its a little like writing a journal.
I will use the rules of the Colostle system to see what happens to Wanda and write out the results.