Kingmaker Session 19

In this short session the group makes a key discovery about the affliction spreading across the land and launch an investigation to find the source of the corruption.

A Feast Gone Wrong

After winning the competition, the Embeth Travelers held a feast to celebrate the group’s accomplishments.

Sadly the feast was interrupted by a most unwelcome occurrence. In the middle of the feast, one of the waiters started to feel unwell and made a hell of a scene. Yelling and screaming he ran out of the hall to the back of a stable.

Kingmaker Session 18

The group talks to the leader of the Embeth Travelers, lovingly named, Jimmy! They compete in a hunting competition. Killing all manner of beast, including a Tyrannosaurus! They also find a suspicious creak that seems to have an unusually large amount of First World magics tainting it.

Dinner on the Roof

The group enjoys a lovely feast on the second floor of the Hunter’s Lodge. The Embeth Travelers serve their guests a full 3 course meal and the group is able to socialize with the 3 groups that they where going to be competing with.

Wanda in the Dungeons Session 3

Wanda almost succumbs to her infection but is saved by the Clan of Cups! She makes a new friend and even finds the way out of the dungeons but is dead set on helping her friend before she leaves.

Scene 1

Taking a dip in the waters had relieved me of the itch, but just as the scholar mentioned the vines where invigorated by the water. I feel ill and weak. The vines seems to grow by the day and I have stopped bothering to remove them.

Wanda in the Dungeons Session 2

Wanda keeps exploring the Dungeons. Discovering an overflowing garden room and a way to alleviate the symptoms of her Rook Rot. She also runs into a wondering scholar. The stranger is kind and gives Wanda some key insights into the Dungeons.

Scene 1

As I moved down the hall, I started hearing the sound of water. Moving to the source of this sound I entered a room with a lake and a waterfall within. The lake was still aside for the small ripples that reached the shore line from the waterfall. It seemed that the water was coming from a river in the Roomlands above. A massive crack in the ceiling allowed some light to also come down into the room.

Wanda in the Dungeons Session 1

Wanda starts her journey through the dungeons. Running into mysterious new Rooks and contracting a strange disease. She finds an impossibly large Rook, chained and long dead. Then she is forced to push forward as the way back is locked off to her.

Scene 1

I have landed in a large dark chamber that seems to branch out into hallways. I would have never believed that the Colostle held such secretes hidden under its rooms if I had not fallen into them myself.

Kingmaker Session 17

A short session today! The group is invited to a hunting competition and learns about some strange magic that is beginning to influence the wilds around their kingdom.

News From NocNoc

NocNoc, the goblin starts the session off with news about his latest exploits. As it turns out, a goblin with a pension for killing can put his talents to good by working for the Embeth Travelers.

This famous hunter’s guild is well known in Brevoy and Restove. They are a large organization of big game hunters who have set up a camp in the stolen lands.

Wanda in the Dungeons Session 0

Howdy! Something a little different for those who like to read, a solo rpg adventure, staring none other than Wanda. I have never published these adventures before but think it could be cool to do so. For those that don’t know how something like this works, its a little like writing a journal. I will use the rules of the Colostle system to see what happens to Wanda and write out the results.

Kingmaker Session 16

In this session the party gains a new settlement. They also find a foxy allie and take out a massive owlbear that had rampaged over the land. Keep reading for the details !

An Audience With Howlet

Howlet is a bandit that the party spared on their raid of the staglord’s fort. He was tasked by Smith with helping out the kingdom and joining it again once the time is right. He was given the special code phrase “I saw the smoke signal” as a way to identify himself.



A kobold with a magic relic that gives her freakish strength!

She is the character I play as in solo games and my primary oc. She does not have a consistent story to her as she gets moved between worlds and game systems frequently. Despite this, a few things always remain true for her.

  1. She always has a choker with a red gem around her neck. This is her magic relic and is the source of her strength. In any setting with magic (or tec so advanced as to be magic) it provides an excuse for her having abilities in the first place. These abilities are not granted freely and come with the risk of losing control. Especially in a fight.
  2. She is nomadic. She does not stay in the same place for long since her gem and strange abilities attracts the wrong kind of attention. She goes town to town working odd jobs for food and coin.
  3. She is kindhearted but naive. She is not foolish enough to be parted with her gem for any reason (this is sometimes due to the gem being magically attached to her) but is easy to deceive and trick.

Outside of these 3 constants, all else can be modified to fit the game / setting she is being put in.

Mapless Dungeons

One of the most interesting ideas that I have come across in the ttrpg scene is the idea of the mapless dungeon. The first time I heard about this more narrative form of exploration was from this video by PaladinProse. The procedure itself comes from Runehammer’s Crown and Skull system, tho it does not depend on any of the systems mechanics. This makes it possible to lift this procedure and put it in any system without issue. I later saw another implementation of this idea from the book The Perilous Wilds.